This gifted young woman, who has a Master’s Degree in Education from the Tec, is the first minor in 100 years to enroll on a postgraduate course at Harvard
Por Andrea López | Tec Review - 07/02/2019

Andrea López | Tec Review,


Dafne Almazán Anaya has become the first Mexican minor to be admitted to a postgraduate course at Harvard and the first person under the age of 18 to start a master’s degree at that university in 100 years.

Dafne, 17, is beginning her second master’s degree, this time in Mathematics for Teaching, at this American university.

She is gifted. In 2017, when she was 16, she completed her Master’s Degree in Education with a Specialization in Teaching-Learning Mechanisms at Tecnológico de Monterrey.



Así es la mexicana de 17 años que entró a una maestría en Harvard

Así es la mexicana de 17 años que entró a una maestría en Harvard

Dafne es considerada sobredotada. Egresó a  los 13 años de la carrera de Psicología en Tecmilenio, y a los 16 de la maestría en Educación del Tec de Monterrey.


She’d finished high school by the age of 10 and graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from TecMilenio at 13.

“My plan is to design models for teaching mathematics to kids identified as intellectually gifted. This is actually one of the areas the postgraduate course focuses on, she said in a press release.

The young woman anticipates graduating in May 2020, i.e. at the age of 18, which would make her one of the few Harvard University students to have reached that level at such a young age.

 Dafne Almazán.

Almazán Anaya already has two Harvard certificates: Differentiated Instruction and Meaningful Learning Techniques.

As a girl, she was part of the first wave of the successful Intellectual Empowerment Program from the Center for Attention to Talent (CEDAT), an organization dedicated to the psycho-pedagogical identification and supervision of gifted children.







Una plática con Dafne, la chica del Tec que acabó su maestría a los 16

Una plática con Dafne, la chica del Tec que acabó su maestría a los 16

Dafne habla español, francés, inglés y chino. Toca piano, guitarra, violín y canta. Además, es cinta verde avanzada en Tae Kwon Do, corre y también practica Kenpo.
Conoce a los Almazán, una familia de sobredotados

Conoce a los Almazán, una familia de sobredotados

Cada uno de los hermanos Almazán Anaya ha llegado a la universidad antes de cumplir la mayoría de edad


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