Messages for women to reflect on and be inspired by which were shared by the winners in this eighth year of the award.
By Lorena Morales | National News Desk - 03/11/2020

Photographs | Verónica Balderas and Carmen Huerta

The ceremony for the 2020 Mujer Tec (Tec Woman) Award was a space to find out how women think their leadership has had an impact.

In their messages, the 23 winners in this eighth year of this award recognized the work that still has to be done to improve the conditions of women in Mexico.

They also gave messages of encouragement to continue searching for better opportunities for all. CONECTA shares some of the best phrases with you:


1. Tec graduate Paula Takashima was recognized in the category #She4She for her leadership as Director of the organization Grameen de la Frontera, in supporting women in the rural areas of Sonora.

Paula Takashima es ganadora del Premio Mujer Tec 2020 en la categoría #She4She

“I am certain that women supporting women is the formula for achieving success, bringing about equality and breaking through the glass ceiling.”

2. Martha Herrera, Global Director of Responsible Business and Shared Values at CEMEX, Director of the CEMEX-Tec Center, and a Tec continuing education graduate, received the  2020 Mujer Tec Award for her outstanding professional background.

Martha Herrera recibió el Premio Mujer Tec por su trayectoria

“We need to pick up the pace: women’s rights are also human rights. It’s time for parity democracy. Not one more female victim of violence! Not one woman more without opportunities!”


3. Businesswoman and Tec graduate Sofía Pérez, CEO of SF Lighting, an energy-efficiency lighting company, was distinguished in the Transforming Power category.

Sofía Pérez, CEO de SF Ligthing, es ganadora del Premio Mujer Tec 2020

“We need to make ourselves visible. Not only for ourselves, but for girls, so that they believe they can achieve what they want.”


4. Cuernavaca campus Professor Ethel Krauze, a Doctor of Literature and author of 45 works, was recognized in the Art and Culture category.

La doctora en Literatura Ethel Krauze fue ganadora del Premio en la categoría Arte y Cultura

“After this March 8 and 9, it is essential that men ‘read’ us, that they understand and change. They will not erase us.”


5. Paola Morán, a student from the Guadalajara campus, is currently the best in the country at the 400 m and already has her place at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games. She received the award in the Health and Sport category.

La atleta Paola Morán ganó el Premio Mujer Tec 2020 en la categoría Salud y Deporte

“What will allow women to reach the top is to persist, insist but never give up.”


6. Tec graduate, founder of LA FELICIDAD ES RENTABLE® (HAPPINESS IS PROFITABLE), and integral wellbeing entrepreneur Gizehlle García was recognized in the Balance, Life and Work category.

La EXATEC y profesora de PrepaTec Gizehelle Garía fue una de las ganadoras del Premio Mujer Tec 2020

“Let us remember the wisdom of the Mayan principle of universal love; through a greeting, you recognize yourself in another: In lak’ech (I am another you); and the response: Hala ken (you are another me).”


7. Dr. Rocío Ortiz studies diseases like breast and cervical cancer, for which she was recognized in Science and Technology.

La Dra. Rocío Ortiz fue galardonada por sus logros en Ciencia y Tecnología

“The world needs science, but science needs women.”


8. Monterrey campus student Cynthia Marcos was recognized in the Citizenship category for her work as an activist, speaker, and feminist intersectional communicator.

La alumna del campus Monterrey Cynthia Marcos animó en su mensaje a seguir luchando por la igualdad de género

“I want to continue fighting to achieve a just, equitable, and violence-free reality so that women can fully live that reality.”


9. Tec graduate and specialist in robotics Ivana Collado received her award in the Science and Technology category.

La EXATEC Ivana Collado es especialista en robótica y fue reconocida con el Premio Mujer Tec 2020

“You have to open doors, but not just open them: you have to show the entrance to future generations.”


10. Zuria Romero, a Tec student from the Guadalajara campus, has fought for gender equality through student groups and writing for magazines and her own blog. She was recognized in the Citizenship category.

La alumna del Tec Zuria Romero recibió el Premio Mujer Tec en la categoría Ciudadanía

“Citizens can continue to advance towards gender equality, to eradicate violence and stereotypes, which are obstacles not only for women, but for the whole of society.”

11. Laguna campus master’s student Kenia Hernández received the award in the Health and Sports category. Her achievements include being a BOCCIA coach, which is a Paralympic sport for people with severe disabilities.

Kenia Hernández recibió el Premio en la categoría Salud y Deporte

“In 100 years no one will care what house I lived in, what car I drove, if I was poor, if I was rich (...) but for me, this world is already a better place because I was important in the life of one girl.”


12. Under the leadership of Tec graduate Claudia Gallegos, the Hidalgo campus achieved first place in the Tec’s national ECO organizational climate survey. She was recognized in the Transforming Power category.

Claudia Gallegos recibió el Premio Mujer Tec 2020 en la categoría Poder Transformador

“Women can face high impact challenges. We can be disruptive, creative, innovative and inclusive, but always respecting people’s dignity.”


13. In 2012, Tec graduate and Artistic Director of Musical Theater at the Querétaro campus, Cristina Bringas, started DOQUMENTA, an international documentary film festival. She was recognized in the Arts and Culture category.

Cristina Bringas, del campus Querétaro, recibió el Premio Mujer Tec 2020 en Arte y Cultura

“It is time for the silence in all fields to be broken. I am pleased to feel united and implacable; to be deserving of a better version of this reality. “


14. Carolina Dorantes’ company making edible utensils such as tequila glasses and straws, was named as one of the country’s most promising business, according to Forbes in 2019. The graduate received the Entrepreneurship category award.

Carolina Dorantes fue una de las ganadoras del Premio Mujer Tec 2020 en la categoría Emprendimiento

“Women: let us be free, let us release our fears, let’s just dare to act, one step at a time.”


15. Tec Chihuahua campus student Julia Romero is currently the CEO of Sali-bar, a company that offers molecular diagnostics for bovine pregnancy, for which she received the award in the Entrepreneurship category.

La alumna Julia Romero recibió el Premio en la categoría Emprendimiento

“Today we are a launching point for those who are on their way. Today we are a rock to build the dreams of our companions.”


16. Tec graduate Erika Falfán is the leader of the Electronic Commerce Business Unit of SAM’s Club, Mexico.  She received the award in the category of Transforming Power.

Erika Falfan, EXATEC, recibió el Premio en la categoría Poder Transformador

“I strongly believe that the inclusion of women at the negotiating table is going to help technology continue to improve everyone’s lives.”


17. Montserrat Ventosa, a consultant and opinion leader in the United States, Europe, and Latin America in the area of human resources, received the award in the category of Transforming Power. She is currently the Director of Talent, Experience and Culture at the Tecmilenio University.

Montserrat Ventosa recibió el premio Mujer Tec 2020 en la categoría Poder Transformador

“An egalitarian and inclusive society can only be the result of egalitarian workplaces. The role of women in yesterday’s work does not have to be the role model of women in tomorrow’s work.”


18. Margarita Martínez, a student at the Monterrey campus, created “Limpiemos Nuestro País” (Let’s Clean Up Our Country), a project that has managed to remove more than 450 tons of garbage in northern Mexico. She was also distinguished in the Transforming Power category.

Margarita Martínez, gracias a su labor tener un país más limpio, ganó el Premio en la categoría Poder Transformador

“Don’t be afraid. Be that crazy woman who gets excited by little things and little details. Trust in yourself and make your dreams come true. You are not alone.”


19. Tec graduate Valeria Brabata was recognized in the Citizenship category for her support of civil organizations in securing resources that allow them to advance.

La EXATEC Valeria Brabata fue reconocida en la categoría Ciudadanía

“Women’s organizations generally have few resources but have made great changes such as being able to vote or own property. I invite you to join them.”


20. Fernanda Pérez, a student at the Puebla campus, was one of those acclaimed in the Balance, Life and Work category for combining her academic life and participation in student groups with work commitments.

Fernanda Pérez recibió la distinción en la categoría Balance Vida y Trabajo

“My purpose in life is to teach through my actions. I warmly invite you to act, inspire and empower young women.”

21. Tec de Monterrey Counselor María Lazo, Founder and Director of Pastelerías Marisa, received the special award for her career.

María Lazo fue reconocida por su Trayectoria durante la ceremonia del Premio Mujer Tec 2020

“This type of recognition of a woman’s business career is relevant in these times when the issue of gender equality is on everyone’s lips.”


22. Esther Garín was recognized as a pioneer. In 1951, she obtained authorization for the Tec’s first women’s softball team made up of students, secretaries, and staff.

La EXATEC Esther Garín fue reconocida durante el Premio Mujer Tec como Pionera

“For me, dignity is that they respect you, value you and give you your place.”


23. Vanessa Martínez is the Technical Director of the women’s soccer team at the University of Manitoba, Canada. She was recognized with the award for her career.

La EAXTEC VAnessa Martínez fue reconocida en la ceremonia por su Trayectoria

“I urge all girls, youth and women to dream big. Be pioneers in the field of your choice. Women, yes we can!”





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