The international diploma is optional and is available to all students as something extra to put on their résumé
By Asael Villanueva | National News Desk - 11/25/2019

 All students studying a professional degree on the new Tec21 Model syllabuses may graduate with an international diploma, if they wish.

Tec de Monterrey has launched an international diploma to complement the new syllabuses, which certifies that students have had educational experiences abroad.

The Tec21 Model features challenge-based learning, flexibility in the way of learning, encouragement of a memorable university experience, and inspiring teachers.

Patricia Montaño, Director of Tec Internationalization, explained that the diploma is designed so that employers can recognize the abilities that distinguish Tec graduates.



"The idea is that employers will ask about the diploma so that graduates can explain what they did in order to obtain it," she said.

Patricia recalled the case of a graduate who currently works at Microsoft:

“This student told me he’d been asked about his international experience in the interview. He'd worked on remote digital platforms, which was a plus.”

Another aim of the diploma is to create a flexible system so that any student who wishes can obtain it at any of the 26 Tec campuses in Mexico.

“The diploma is something to aspire to. Our wish is that students enrolling will want to graduate with the international diploma,” said Patricia.



The project was implemented by Internationalization Office staff, including Patricia Montaño, Francisco Huerta, and Academic Directors Joaquín Guerra and Román Martínez.

International degrees already existed on syllabuses prior to August 2019.

However, due to the flexibility of the Tec21 Model, this way of studying evolved and expanded to open up a wider range of opportunities.



“The diploma is something to aspire to. Our wish is that students enrolling will want to graduate with the international diploma.”



Diplomas will be handed out  with professional degrees at the graduation ceremony to those students who have met certain requirements.

These requirements include not having any disciplinary offense or any penalty related to academic integrity, having performed activities such as a semester abroad, or being able to speak English and a third language.

Students should also have at least 10 extra points for activities such as an additional semester abroad or taking part in an international competition.

Patricia says that one of the advantages is that some of these activities can be carried out simultaneously, such as a semester abroad while participating in a contest at the same time.

"[It's an advantage that] you can begin planning it from your first day at the Tec. It wasn't so easy before, but now it's largely a matter of organization," Patricia said.

Montaño also advised those seeking this distinction to schedule an appointment with their mentor and work together to define the path they should take to obtain the diploma.




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