Tecnológico de Monterrey welcomed Brazilian university leaders and shared its successful educational innovation practices.
By Asael Villanueva | CONECTA National News Desk - 03/09/2022 Photo Hecson Olguín, Courtesy

Rectors and representatives of Brazilian universities have visited Tec de Monterrey, where they learned about its initiatives, success stories, and syllabuses

The directors of 28 Brazilian universities participated in an immersive workshop called The transformation of Universities due to the challenges of the new normal,” organized by the Vice-Rector’s Office for Continuing Education at the Tec.

During the symposium, the rectors were able to learn about the Tec21 Model, which is based on challenge-based learning, flexibility, a memorable university experience, and inspiring teachers.

We’re working with the Tec21 Model and the possibility of improving teacher training in Brazil,” explained Arapuan Medeiros da Motta Netto, rector of the Augusto Motta University Center in Rio de Janeiro.

“The Tec de Monterrey educational model is a dream for us Brazilians,” said Beatriz María Eckert-Hoff, rector of Centro de Ensino Unificado do Distrito Federal.


El Tec recibió a rectores y directivos de 28 universidades brasileñas para compartir prácticas educativas exitosas

Tec’s educational effort stands out

The symposium, which included representatives of 28 Brazilian universities, took place between February 21 and 25. It consisted of a workshop which presented the Tec’s educational model and how it seeks to address future challenges in education and employment.

Some of those participating in the symposium included the Augusto Motta University Center (UNISUAM), Centro Universitário do Distrito Federal, Veiga de Almeida University (UVA), and Cesumar University.

“We want to be a learning ecosystem which promotes educational transformation and the creation of collaborative networks between universities to continue shaping agents of change.

“This introduction is an opportunity for the two great powers of Brazil and Mexico to contribute to the global education community,” said Jorge Blando, vice-rector for Continuing Education.

Topics discussed at the symposium included educational innovation, the use of technology in the teaching and learning process, and partnerships for social development and teacher development. 

Arapuan Medeiros da Motta Netto, rector of the Augusto Motta University Center, said that the symposium reflected the need for more and more university partnerships.


El Tecnológico de Monterrey recibió a directivos de universidades brasileñas con quienes compartieron prácticas exitosas en innovación educativa


“We need to combine what exists in the education market. I have no problem with my university being linked to Tec de Monterrey despite it not being like that before.

“I tell the students that this partnership is for their good, a space in which there can be an exchange between universities,” he said.

Similarly, Beatriz Eckert-Hoff, rector of Centro de Ensino Unificado do Distrito Federal, explained that they were not only introduced to the Tec 21 Model during their visit, but were also able to experience it first-hand.

“In the 30 years that I’ve been rector, I’ve been to several countries in Asia, Europe, and the Americas, but I can say that this was one of the best experiences in terms of knowledge and learning.

“The course they prepared for us reflects the Tec de Monterrey educational model. It wasn’t a course where we saw what the model was like, but rather how the methodology is used in the Tec 21 Model,” said the rector.

Similarly, she highlighted the possibility of forging partnerships with other universities, governments, associations, and public and private organizations, among others.

“The Tec de Monterrey educational model will help us change our curricula and work on developing skills and abilities, without neglecting knowledge and learning,” Eckert-Hoff said.


“The Tec de Monterrey educational model is a dream for us Brazilians.”


Rectores y representantes de universidades de Brasil visitaron el Tec de Monterrey donde conocieron iniciativas, casos de éxito y planes de estudio


Invitation from the Tec’s rector to prepare for the future

During the symposium, David Garza, rector and executive president of Tec, shared some reflections on the future of education.

The rector points out that education underwent rapid changes during the pandemic, and new education models emerged with online, face-to-face, and hybrid formats.

“As a result of the pandemic, we’re experiencing the clash of two storms: COVID-19 and Industry 4.0, which has been coming for some years. This accelerated change brings us important challenges in all areas,” added Garza.

During his talk with the representatives of Brazilian universities, he pointed out that education will be multidiverse, including various concepts such as multimodal, multiexperiential, and multicultural learning.



Durante el encuentro los rectores pudieron conocer el Modelo Tec21 del Tec de Monterrey, basado en 4 pilares


“As universities, we must focus on certain disciplines, but also on students being good citizens, good people, as well as focusing on their wellbeing.

“I believe that higher education must increasingly consider partnerships and connections,” added Garza.


El encuentro donde participaron representantes de 28 universidades de Brasil consistió en un taller donde se dio a conocer el modelo educativo del Tec





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