Neil Patel was at INCMty 2021, Tec de Monterrey’s entrepreneurship festival.
By Alejandro Navarrete | National News Desk - 11/17/2021 Photo CONECTA & SHUTTERSTOCK

Are you a young, student entrepreneur? Are you a professional who wants to start your own business?

Entrepreneur and specialist in digital marketing Neil Patel gave advice for entrepreneurs who are just starting out at INCmty, the Tec de Monterrey entrepreneurship festival.

Neil Patel is a well-known international digital marketing consultant.

During his career, he has been recognized as a top 100 entrepreneur under the age of 30 by former US President Barack Obama and a top 100 entrepreneur under the age of 35 by the United Nations.

We give you Neil Patel’s advice for entrepreneurs that he shared in an exclusive talk.


Neil Patel.
Neil Patel en INCmty, el festival de emprendimiento del Tec de Monterrey.


1. Do a lot of networking

“Join more classes and more groups,” recommends Patel to students.

It’s important to make yourself known to more people, to make more connections with physical and digital communities to grow your network.

“Get more involved in the community, interact more on social networks so you become better known.”


2. Follow trends, but more importantly, follow your passion

When asked about the advantages of starting a business based on trending topics such as Big Tech, blockchain technology, and cryptocurrencies, Patel urges caution.

“Trends are always evaluated highly, but then they tend to stabilize. You can bet on things like that in the short term,” he says, but it’s better to have a passion for the business and the solutions you are creating.

“Don’t create businesses because they’re lucrative, create them because you’re passionate about them.”


“Everyone must focus on the target.”


3. Execute quickly, not perfectly

“It’s better to be quick than to do everything perfectly,” reveals Neil Patel as advice.

“When I started, I didn’t see the value of executing quickly,” he says.

“Everyone has ideas, but not everyone has the ability to execute them.”


4. Focus the whole team on the same goal

“Everyone should be focused on the goal,” Patel says about teamwork.

He adds that it doesn’t matter that everyone has expectations and passion for different aspects of entrepreneurship and business.

And that it’s important to know where to put each person to get the best out of them.

“You have to find which task is best for each person.”


5. Appreciate your followers; give them value

Every person on your digital and social networks is a potential customer, explains Patel.

For this reason, treat everyone well and always aim to help them in whatever way you can to make their lives better.

“Be grateful for what you have and appreciate everyone.”


“It’s better to be quick than to do everything perfectly.”


6. Don’t get angry with haters; understand their pain

“Empathizing is not just about listening but about understanding their point of view.”

“Instead of arguing, try to understand and help,recommends Patel when talking about people who are making complaints (even those that seem unfounded or wrong) about your products and business.


7. Learn not to make the same mistakes

“You’re going to make a lot of mistakes. Learn from them,” Neil Patel tells new entrepreneurs.

The important thing is to pay attention and not make the same mistakes again later, he says.

You’ll keep making mistakes but make sure they aren’t the same ones. Make better ones instead.”


“There will be ups and downs, happy times and scary times.”


8. There will be ups and downs; keep a support group

“You have to understand that there’ll be ups and downs, happy times and scary times,” Patel shares.

He also says: “A lot of your friends and family are going to be negative. It’s normal.”

Look for people who always support you. Keep a group of people with whom you can talk often about the struggles and challenges, where everyone supports each other.


9. Disconnect; make time for you and your family

Despite being a dedicated digital marketer, Neil Patel reveals that he tries to be online for no more than an hour per day.

His posts are well planned (for his personal branding, he does a minimum of 3 posts a day on networks, 1 weekly post on his blog, and 1 weekly live session) which allows him to optimize.

“You don’t need to do any more than that. You need time for your family.”

Finally, he recommends patience, so that your positioning grows steadily and naturally.


About INCmty

INCmty is Tec de Monterrey’s entrepreneurship festival.

The event took place virtually from November 8 to 10. This year, it had more than 170 activities and 200 speakers.

“Many people come together here who want to create, change and transform things,” concluded Josué Delgado, director of INCmty.





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