The School of Engineering and Sciences has received 43 international professors, who join the more than 150 professors who come to Tec de Monterrey every year.
By Asael Villanueva | CONECTA National News Desk - 10/13/2021 Photo Pexels, Freepik, Shutterstock

The Tec de Monterrey School of Engineering and Sciences (EIC) has welcomed 43 international professors, most of whom have studied at foreign universities, to teach various disciplines.

Of these new professors, 30 have international experience, while 15 of them hold graduate degrees from universities ranked within the top 100.

These teachers will work at different campuses and in different regions of Mexico for the Tec21 educational model to make the most of their experience.

The professors come from countries such as Germany, Spain, the United States, Denmark, Iran, Colombia, Brazil, and the Czech Republic.

“We’re looking to attract international professors who align with our strategies, where the Tec can be a platform for them to continue their research, says Enrique Diaz, Associate Dean of Faculty Development at the School of Engineering and Sciences.


Se unieron 43 profesores internacionales a la escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias del Tec de Monterrey


School of Engineering attracts 150 new professors every year

The EIC receives around 150 professors a year from international universities such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), University of Manchester, Polytechnic University of Turin, and Polytechnic University of Catalonia.

Díaz de León explains that during September 2021, 43 professors joined the Tec in areas such as bioengineering, sciences, computing, industrial engineering, mechanics, and sustainable technologies.

“We’re attracting 150 new professors every year. This allows us to not only fill the vacancies that the Tec needs, but also to renew our faculty,” says Díaz.

“This time, we had 43 new teachers. We’re not only attracting foreign teachers, but also those Mexicans who go abroad, study and learn there, and then come back,” he adds.

In addition, the associate dean says that in the last 3 years they have been able to renew 30% of the teaching faculty, as some teachers have left due to retirement or performance.


 El Tec de Monterrey busca cada vez a más profesores internacionales para sus clases

Strategy forming part of the Tec’s internationalization initiative

Díaz de León points out that the idea of recruiting international professors to join the Tec forms part of an institutional internationalization strategy.

“The idea of attracting talent is important. It’s important to attract and retain teachers who have grown and developed in Mexico.

“However, we also see the value in people who come from outside (the country) and have another perspective. This enriches student learning,” he explains.

Another aspect of the project is to generate and promote research, which he mentions has grown and strengthened over the years.


“Professors want to be in a place where there are talented students and students want to have talented professors. This combination makes us an attractive university.”


“Such great interest in developing research shows international professors how the Tec has improved in the rankings. They love it, it motivates them, and it’s very attractive,” adds Díaz.

“At the Tec, I’ve found that I’ve been able to do research, teach, and provide support. That balance was something I was looking for, as well as opportunities to participate in various projects,” says Dr. María Guadalupe Villarreal, one of the program’s professors.

Similarly, Díaz notes that having better professors is attractive to students

“Professors want to be in a place where there are talented students and students want to have talented professors. This combination makes us an attractive university,” he says.


The process of recruiting professors

Díaz says that the pandemic and new hybrid models have supported the internationalization of classes, with some of them being held remotely.

“The pandemic has opened up many options for us, mainly to teach from where (the teachers) are located. That has helped us a lot with internationalization,” he shares.

Enrique points out that he has been working on the project to attract international talent for the last 4 years.

He also mentions that the process through which teachers are recruited consists of 2 different processes.

One of these is through the Talent and Experience department, which recruits candidates and department heads then decide if candidates are a good fit for the position. The other process is by invitation from Tec professors and leaders.


“Such great interest in developing research shows international professors how the Tec has improved in the rankings. They love it, it motivates them, and it’s very attractive.”


“They have exchanges with other universities, they have conferences, lectures, and international events where they have contact with other professors and invite them (to apply for a position).

“There are also calls where we have postdoctoral programs. This provides opportunities, as they’re invited to do a post-doctorate and then we invite them to give a class. Later, if they’re interested, they can become professors,” he says.

The dean explains that candidates are invited to give a seminar about some of their research or the work they’re doing. 

“We invite our professors to participate. It’s been very interesting because the teachers tell us if it seems important to them. It’s useful for quality control,” he says.

He also explains that previously more professors were accepted but, since the implementation of this process, around 30 candidates have been rejected in the search to recruit the best talent.


Los profesores internacionales vienen de universidades destacadas en el mundo


Reasons to choose Mexico

Díaz mentions that some of the professors who have decided to move to Mexico and to the Tec, say that it has partly been because of the Tec21 Educational Model.

Young researchers are particularly interested in it. It makes sense to them because it looks for solutions to challenges,” he says.

The model is based on 4 pillars: challenge-based learning; flexibility in how, when and where learning happens; inspiring teachers; and memorable student experiences.

“I think it’s very important to say that Mexico is very attractive and offers a lot of potential for professors,” he shares.

Díaz adds that the program also provides a good opportunity for Mexicans who want to return to their country after having studied or worked in universities abroad.

Enrique also explains that they are continually looking to find more and better professors and also to provide more space to female researchers within their ranks.

Dr. Jorge Donato García, one of the international professors, said that he had found it very difficult to return.

“I was losing hope of returning to Mexico. This opportunity allowed me to do 2 things: develop professionally and return to Mexico,” he says.





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