In a virtual meeting, rectors of the La Triada universities highlighted achievements and committed to causing a positive impact on Latin America.
By Ricardo Treviño | National News Desk - 10/22/2020

In 2 years, the top three private universities in Latin America have completed 55 projects, which have had huge educational impact, through their unique alliance, called La Triada.

Tec de Monterrey, from Mexico; University of Los Andes, from Colombia; and the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile have promoted projects such as new master’s degrees in Humanities, joint entrepreneurship projects, and faculty and student exchanges.

This Thursday, the rectors of the three universities presented an evaluation and an overview of how the alliance has benefited and will continue to benefit their communities and the region.

La Triada is not just another network. It’s an unprecedented collaborative initiative of great importance between top-level universities in Latin America, which are committed to working together in the face of challenges and opportunities within the region,” said David Garza, the Tec’s rector and executive president.


David Garza, the Tec’s rector and executive president.
David Garza participó en la Cumbre de Rectores de La Tríada


In the virtual meeting, at which university executives were also present, the results of projects in high impact areas such as Humanities, Entrepreneurship, Educational Innovation and Research Management were presented.

“Having 55 projects to date is a major achievement. I want to highlight two aspects: the interdisciplinary nature of the projects, and the variety of projects in different areas,” shared Ignacio Sánchez, Rector of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile.

What’s more, Alejandro Gaviria, Rector of the University of Los Andes, said that this partnership will be vital for their future plans.

“We share the same problems and challenges within our societies. We have to connect with each other more, and connect with our societies more,” said Gaviria.

These three institutions, considered the top three private universities in Latin America, formed this partnership in August 2018.


Ignacio Sánchez, Rector of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, highlighted the 55 projects undertaken by La Triada.
Ignacio Sánchez, rector de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.


Presenting project outcomes

During the meeting, the rectors presented a summary and the results of some projects on which the institutions have worked during the past two years:


Educational innovation

- Coursera for Partners

The three universities provided free certification to students, teachers and collaborators through more than 70 courses and 9 specialized programs; the program got more than 16,000 people to enroll on the platform.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the program was transformed into Coursera for Campus, which brought together 120 educational institutions and companies to offer 3,700 courses.

More than 33,000 people enrolled from La Triada universities alone.



- Collaborative projects during the pandemic

Every 15 days, La Triada universities, along with 6 other higher education institutions from Peru, Argentina, and Spain, held meetings to share best practices for tackling the pandemic.

Teacher studies and surveys were conducted to identify the teaching practices and learning which developed as a result of the pandemic.


- TPrize

Tec de Monterrey and the University of Los Andes formed the TPrize initiative, an award given to people solving social issues in communities.

The project brought together 304 projects from 37 countries, of which there are 10 in a final phase that will take place on December 16, during the 2020 International Conference on Educational Innovation.


- Novus from La Triada

This was a proposal to develop a mutual fund between La Triada universities to finance educational innovation projects organized by professors.

The selected projects include a representative from each of the La Triada educational institutions, and their results are expected to impact more than 2,700 students in Latin America.


Alejandro Gaviria, Rector of University of Los Andes in Colombia, said that the 3 institutions shared the same challenges.
Alejandro Gaviria, rector de la Universidad de los Andes, en Colombia.




- Tec-UNIANDES International Summer School

During the summer of 2019, students from the two universities were able to participate in exchanges with classes from both institutions on the subject of migration from a humanities perspective.

- Master’s degrees

La Triada universities collaborated on the development of 3 master’s degrees in Arts and Humanities, with the intention of having short face-to-face stays at the institutions.

  • Master’s in Latin American Studies
  • Master’s in Creative Industries (with the University of Miami)
  • Master of Digital Humanities


- Global teacher program

This initiative seeks to promote exchanges between teachers from the Faculties and schools of Arts and Humanities at the three universities.

During the pandemic, the aim is to generate a virtual exchange for teachers with a duration of one or five weeks or a semester, which can count as international experience for students.

- Development of a record label

This project aims to publish phonograms and to connect to private and public organizations in order to catalog cultural heritage and train students.

The label is committed to the proper use of phonograms, the payment of royalties, and the return of phonograms to their original owners.

The musical content of the project would be: modern, traditional, classical, experimental, and historical.



Directors of the three La Triada institutions were present at the summit.
En la cumbre participaron directivos de las tres universidades.





This is an event which seeks to connect Latin American entrepreneurs, SMEs, and startups through talks and panels with entrepreneurship experts from the three La Triada universities.

The 2020 event, which is part of the Road to INCmty, the Tec’s international entrepreneurship festival, included more than 1,700 participants.


- Brain Mexico

This is an acceleration program for enterprises with global vision focusing on science and technology. It is promoted by Tec de Monterrey and Banco Santander and derived from the Brain Chile project carried out by the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile and Banco Santander.

In 2020, more than 380 projects from 27 Mexican states registered, 40% of them form the Tec, in addition to the 337 Brain Chile applicants from all over Latin America.



As a result of collaboration between researchers from La Triada, more than 80 joint publications were made in areas of study such as Health, Engineering and Technology, Life Sciences and Medicine, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences and Administration.

In addition, the vice-rectors of Research at the universities proposed action items such as an exchange of research management practices, strengthening doctoral education, and developing young teachers.


The new La Triada platform

During the summit, the La Triada virtual platform was also presented for the first time, this being a site where projects and other information about universities are published. 

Beyond being a repository, the objective of the platform is to be able to communicate the results of the projects and the impact they have on society to communities, said Adriana Gidi, International Relations manager at the Tec.


Presentan plataforma de La Tríada


“It’s made up of three large sections: the first where you see the 15 areas of impact and collaboration; the second giving a brief description of the universities; and, finally, a news section”, she explained.

Finally, the rectors of La Triada shared their commitment to continued collaboration and issued a joint statement two years into the partnership.

You can read the message by clicking here.





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