The Tec has created a Master’s in Creative Industries with collaborations from 3 universities: The University of Los Andes (Colombia), the Catholic University of Chile, and the University of Miami.
By Andrés Corona I Guadalajara Campus - 08/21/2020

Together with the University of Los Andes (Colombia), the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile and the University of Miami, Tecnológico de Monterrey will launch a new Master’s in Creative Industries.

This proposal stands out for opening the doors to collaborative postgraduate courses with the best universities in the world in their fields.

Diego Zavala, a professor at the School of Humanities and Education (Western Region), recently designed this master’s degree.

“The idea is to completely formalize projects within the Creative Industries. There are many entrepreneurs who want to know how to innovate within these industries.

“There are also creative people who want to develop business models from their projects, and this master’s degree is for them.”


This master’s degree will help formalize projects in the Creative Industries.
Esta carrera permitirá formalizar proyecto de las Industrias Creativas.


It forms part of the Tec’s proposal for the worldwide restructuring of academia so as to ensure education of the highest quality.

“There was a synergy with the University of Los Andes in Bogotá, the Catholic University of Chile, and the University of Miami to create this type of master’s degree.

“Thus, 3 of the best universities in Latin America have joined together, along with the renowned University of Miami,” he added.

Tec de Monterrey, University of Los Andes and the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, recognized as the 3 best private universities in Latin America, make up The Triad, an alliance for academic and research cooperation.

At undergraduate level, the Tec has implemented the Tec21 Educational Model, so students can learn flexibly and outside the classroom through challenging projects.

Now, it seeks to expand this scheme to postgraduate level, by creating new master’s degrees and adapting existing ones.


“The idea of this master’s degree is to completely formalize projects within the Creative Industries.”


The program is designed to be totally virtual, giving students the possibility of taking classes with professors from other universities.

“The model is so flexible that some subjects can probably be taken in person at one of these universities during either a summer or a three-month period,” he indicated.

It is thought that this master’s degree could begin with its first cohort in August 2021.


The master’s degree will use the Tec21 Educational Model, which seeks to teach through challenge-based learning.
La maestría utilizará el Modelo Educativo Tec21, la cuál busca la enseñanza a través de solución de retos


Among the audiences for which this postgraduate course would be useful are:

  • Creative people who want to develop business models,
  • Community Managers
  • Entrepreneurs seeking to innovate in this area, and
  • Government personnel who require such services

This program will provide a sister program for the current Master’s in Humanities Studies, which uses a similar educational model to achieve better understanding.




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