The Graduate Management Admission Council announced that EGADE Business School has become this organization’s latest member.
By José de la Paz | CONECTA National News Desk - 06/14/2021 Photo Comunicación EGADE Business School

This May 27, Tecnológico de Monterrey’s EGADE Business School became a new member of the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC).

GMAC said that EGADE Business School was selected for its world-class programs and international recognition in and beyond Latin America.

The organization said this added great representation of the region to the global association that constitutes 229 top business schools around the world.


For a better exchange of ideas

Dr. Osmar Zavaleta, interim dean of EGADE Business School, highlighted the commitment it has to the exchange of ideas and best practices with EGADE’s global peers.

“EGADE Business School has built a globally recognized reputation as the leading Latin American business education institution, committed to empowering entrepreneurial leaders who create shared value and transform society,” Zavaleta said.

GMAC membership provides a valuable platform to enhance that exchange with other schools,” he added.

“The pandemic has taught us to be innovative and adaptive in the disruptive environment of an interconnected world, said Sangeet Chowfla, president and CEO of GMAC.


“GMAC membership provides a valuable platform to enhance that exchange with other schools.”


To be considered for membership in GMAC, a school must:

  • Maintain a selective admissions process.
  • Offer a master’s program in business administration, management subjects, or equivalent.
  • Demonstrate support towards GMAC’s mission through the use of its products and services.

“We value the global vision and holistic approach that EGADE Business School brings and look forward to their contributions to the advancement of graduate management education,” Chowfla said.

EGADE Business School


(GMAC) is a global association founded in 1953 and made up of the world’s leading graduate schools of business management.

This association offers world-class research, industry conferences, recruiting tools, and assessments for the graduate management education industry.

For example, the most widely used graduate school assessment, the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), is owned and administered by GMAC.

GMAC also owns and administers the NMAT by GMAC Exam and the Executive Assessment.





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